Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve!

Derrick and I had a fabulous Christmas! I hope you did!

This year we were in Hickory with my family for all of Christmas because Derrick's family was down in Florida spending Christmas with Leanna and Kevin. It was sad and different to be away from them for the holidays but it was also nice to spend a full Christmas day in one spot. Thank goodness for facetime!

On Wednesday after work we loaded up the car and headed home. Crosby was clearly very excited!

Christmas eve during the day was actually pretty busy. We had some last minute shopping to do and the rest of the family was coming over for dinner so we were helping mom grocery shop while she handled the cooking. This is how we accidentally came downstairs though. It happens more then you think.

Christmas eve night we had a great family dinner, music, and games! I'll let the pictures do the talking.



I have a lot of pictures so I'm going to be photo dumping for few days! I'll post about Christmas next!

1 comment:

  1. Yep....FaceTime is nice, but not the same 😢
    Looks like you had a great time! Love the Crosby by the tree pic!
