Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Catch Up and Nothing

It's been slow over here in blog land. It's because we've been boring. Really not a lot going on...just working and doing our normal routine lately. I'm blaming the weather. When it's freezing and wet outside it means we barricade ourselves in and don't go out much. There have been a few funny and blog worthy moments around here though.

We got another snow storm and this one was a surprise. We woke up Tuesday morning to fluffy pretty snow already coating the ground and it continued on until 2:30 in the afternoon. Derrick went to work in the morning but thankfully came home around 1:00. I worked from home and Crosby and I went and romped in the pretty snow.


Cros and I followed this set of foot prints and paw prints on our entire walk.

Remember Jordan? The kid who helped us shovel our driveway and Derrick gave him $5. Well....he and his sister knocked on our door two days later and asked if they could walk our dog for $5. Nice try kid. I hope we didn't give ourselves the reputation as the neighborhood suckers. 

Saturday night we got have dinner with Leanna, Kevin, Ellie, and Derrick's dad. It was all going well until the put the NC State game up on the TVs in Red Robin and we started losing so Derrick insisted we had to leave. Superstitious much? Luckily we were already finished with our meal....otherwise I think Derrick may have made us all eat out of to go boxes outside in the cold. Ellie surprised me by wearing her favorite shirt so I taught her my favorite past time....searching Derrick's wallet for extra cash. We take different approaches but the end game is the same. 

We're supposed to get another 6-10 inches tonight so I'm sure Raleigh is about to shut down. I've had tons of house projects swirling around my head. I have found that I'm better at dreaming then executing but I'm hoping I can knock one out tomorrow. I'm going to try to get our headboard made tomorrow during the snow day as long as my fabric shows up. I took a risk and ordered fabric online because I struck out at the fabric store. Here's to hoping it comes tomorrow and I like it!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow-pacalypse 2015

Our first winter storm hit last night and layered 1.5 inches of ice over our little neighborhood. Probably everywhere else too but I haven't been out of our neighborhood today. We didn't lose power and I stocked up on food yesterday so we're just cozied up working from home and working on puzzles :)

Cros and I went for a walk earlier today and as the ice started to thaw Derrick and I took the opportunity to shovel the driveway so we have a chance at getting out tomorrow. Good thing I bought that snow shovel on Black Friday! Now you are all second guessing your Black Friday purchases and wishing you had doubled the population of the snow shovel aisle by joining me there!

When we went out to shovel there were swarms of kids and one of them, Jordan, brought his own shovel over and spent the next 30 minutes helping us shovel the driveway. We let him keep the penny he found in the driveway. At the end he asked Derrick, "Can I go now?" and Derrick gave him $5 for his help. We had to re-shovel his spot but I have to say, he really worked his guilt-tripping magic. Made $5 without even asking, just showed up and started helping. Maybe I should apply that same business model to selling houses...

I think Crosby is learning that kids aren't all that bad. She only had to bark at them once for sneaking up behind her and other then that they threw the ball for her almost the entire time we were out there. She needs to figure out to cut out the middle man and stop bringing Derrick and I the ball afterwards. I was proud of her though.

Everything is probably going to freeze over again tonight but hopefully we'll be getting back to normal fairly soon.  Despite the snow day, I've had a successful day on the lead generating side of the business and I'm eager to start working with some new clients this week!

Friday, February 13, 2015

5 Year Cros-iversary

Tomorrow is our 5 year Cros-iversary but I'm pretty sure we'll be too busy tomorrow to post so I'm posting about it today. I started out just fostering her and then someone wanted to adopt her and I was so sad. When I first got her I had never seen a dog so afraid. She was terrified of everything and within the week that she had been with me I could already see a small change in her and I just couldn't bare turning her life upside down again.

This was her on day 2. I decided that we were going full immersion therapy and her first walk with me was at the Krispy Kreme challenge with 5,000 other people. If you know her now, this picture is crazy to look at and see how pitiful she used to be.

Fast forward 5 years and she has become an integral part of our lives! We love this pup so much and most of our decisions have something to do with her. Derrick's car? It came down to two cars and we ended up with the one that worked best for Cros. The house? knowing that she can safely be off leash away from main roads in our yard was a huge positive. Restaurants? Spring, summer, and fall we give preference to anywhere with outdoor seating. I can't believe it's been 5 years and she'll be 7 in June. Best Valentine's present ever!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Indoor Wrap Up

We had our last night of our indoor ultimate league yesterday! Derrick and I really enjoyed indoor. We had never played before and it's fairly different then regular ultimate. Each game is 30 minutes long and the timer never stops. Game play never stops either. You hockey sub in an out of the game and as soon as one team scores the other team picks up the disc and starts working it to the opposite end zone. It's super fast paced and there is no weather to contend with.

Last night was the tournament. There were only 4 teams in our league so we played two of them every week and repeated. We were very familiar with the teams by last night. We won our semis game and lost our finals game by 4 so we took home 2nd. Not too bad for the hodge podge team thrown together at the last minute.

Our team name was Crosby so Crosby won our spirit disc at the end of the season, obviously. She was happy about it, but not happy about a second place finish with her name on it. We're working on her sportsmanship.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Move It!

What a sad weekend. Poor Russell. I'm still in a bit of depression. Luckily, I was still blissfully naive and in high spirits on Sunday afternoon because we ventured to the Duke Lemur Center with Leanna and Kevin. If I'm remembering correctly (I never was good at paying attention in class) Duke is home to one of the largest lemur research centers in the US. They give tours to the public and Derrick and I had never been so we double dated with Leanna and Kevin for the afternoon. It was a pretty neat experience, although I think the spring time would result in a few more lemur sightings.

The phone on my camera is pretty terrible...I hear the Windows Phones are known for their camera :) Maybe next time.

This guy gave us the best photo op. I can't tell you anything about him except that he's black and white and has giant creepy eyes.

In warmer months they have other tours that include a walking with lemurs where they take you out in the woods with nothing between you and the lemurs. You can seem them jumping in the trees above your head and sometimes they get super close. It's too cold right now, but maybe this summer!