Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Jay Conquers Chicago Booth

You probably remember when I bragged on my older brother for winning the Chicago Booth Commuter Award. Jay has been balancing a full time job and a weekend MBA program for the last 3 years. The first two years he was flying from Richmond to Chicago every Friday and then back again on Sunday evening. I don't know how he did it! This last and final year his company found a position for him in Chicago so he's been able to live in Chicago, work M-F and then go to school on the weekends. Still strenuous but a lot easier then dealing with the exhaustion of travel on top of everything else. 
Mom, Dad, and I were able to fly up for his graduation last weekend and I am so happy that I got to be there. We had an amazing time celebrating Jay and this tremendous accomplishment. We arrived early Friday morning and graduation was that afternoon so Jay took us to University of Chicago's main campus. It is beautiful! 

Isn't this stunning? It opened up into a huge courtyard.

We grabbed lunch inside the university before heading off to get ready for graduation.


This was the cathedral where graduation was held. It started at 3:00 and we were in line just after 2:00. It was already stretched down to the street and around the corner.

Once inside, we were able to grab the last three seats together. We got lucky because there was still a huge line filing in behind us. A lot of the people after us had to stand because they ran out of seats. The cathedral was so big they had to set up TV monitors so that you could see the graduates accept their diploma.

We did manage to grab a pictures of Jay as he walked in!

I thought the ceiling was amazing!

Officially a graduate of Chicago Booth and a Master of Business Administration!

I was obsessed with these vines growing up all of the buildings. Apparently they are amazing in the spring and summer when they are blooming and covered in leaves.

After graduation Jay had to head to his last final exam so Dad, Mom, and I headed to the hotel where we watched the Duke game and crashed for the night. I'll post next time about our touristy adventures on the next day!

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