Thursday, July 27, 2017

Sub 100

We're less than 100 days until D-Day. Which probably means we still have over 100 days until he gets here but it was a crazy thing seeing that two digit number on our app yesterday.

We had the glucose yesterday and hopefully won't hear back news is good news apparently.  Days are turning hit or miss with my back and rib pain but other than that I'm feeling good, still exercising several times a week and sleeping moderately well.

Derrick noticed last week that I was looking bigger you can definitely tell he, or maybe I? had a growth spurt over the last two weeks. The top picture is 2 weeks ago and the bottom picture is yesterday.

In other random news...I have bookclub tonight and I actually read the books! Both of them! I haven't done that in a very long time so I might actually add to the discussion tonight. No promises though.

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