Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Weekend Tidbits

Derrick and I had an awesome week and weekend! Here's an overview for you.

The biggest event was Claire and Travis came into town for their baby shower and stayed with us all weekend. It was awesome because we got some real hang out time. They usually stay with us when they come into town but they have to spread themselves out with visits to other friends and family. Since they were seeing everybody at the baby shower we got a lot of time together. We mostly ate delicious cookies and played our Harry Potter game all weekend. It's been fun to be pregnant together and call each other with "is this normal?" questions. They'll be back down for Thanksgiving with their new daughter and Furnace should be a couple weeks old at that point too. I can't wait!

In other exciting news, we ordered our nursery glider. I've been going back and forth on it but, in the end, I couldn't get this one out of my mind. This is the floor model and we ordered a different color but it should be here in six weeks. Once it here we can start finalizing the nursery.

Our friends Joey and Kristin gave us some awesome hand-me-downs for the first year. We have a few other people that have offered hand-me-downs as well so I think Furnace is going to be set in the clothing department for the first year. I loved going through and sorting everything.

Lastly, I started physical therapy last week and have had two sessions so far. I have another session tomorrow morning. She told me that my right lower back is extremely tight and has given me a lot of stretches to do as well as prescribed massage and a heating pad. The good news is everybody likes massage but the bad news is it's going to be more symptom management for the next three months instead of actually being able to heal and/or change anything. I had the first trimester pretty easy so this is my penance. I've figured out a few ways to manage it and exercise is one of them so Derrick and I have been playing lots of pickle ball. There is something about a pregnant belly that makes my pickle ball skills look more impressive....I've never been noticed at the courts so much.

Furnace has been moving like CRAZY this week. I don't know when he sleeps. He's up all night and most of the day. I love feeling him move but I'm a little concerned we're going to have a wild child on our hands. We're going to have to come up with some strategies to tire him out once he gets here...I think he's going to keep us on our toes.

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