It's Christmas time!! One week from Thursday. That is so crazy and we are SO not ready. Date night this week is going to be Christmas shopping. We had our annual gift exchange with all of Derrick's friends on Friday and it was a great time. Derrick and I made the most awesome shirts ever!
When I told my Mom about these shirts she said: "He is really good to you." Especially when she found out that those are his hand and foot prints on the shirts :)
We have tried a couple different things with this gift exchange. We've done white elephant gifts, themed gifts, and this year we decided to that each couple would draw another couple and give gifts to that couple. We exchanged gifts, roasted marshmallows, and played games for the evening. It was really fun.
Holly and Alexander drew our name and got Crosby a present too that we let her open when we got home.
We also got pickle ball paddles and went out to play on Sunday afternoon. The only thing I really knew about pickle ball was that it's popular among older people. It's kind of a mix of tennis and badminton? Whatever it is, it is SO fun and I am SO bad! I'll get better though!
Seriously though, Christmas is a week from Thursday. I have a lot to do...why am I blogging!? Christmas cards just got here so I am getting my address on!
Why aren't Kevin and Meredith wearing tacky Christmas sweaters?