We braved the new Publix on Wednesday morning and came back to get our cook on. Pies first! We encountered our first problem when the oven caught on fire right after we put the pies in. Seriously! We saved the pies, let the fire burn itself out and then we had to set our oven on self clean to get the grease from the previous owners out. The self clean took 4.5 hours!! Total setback.
We were able to get some other preparations done while we were waiting though.
This thing is dangerous but awesome. Slices onions just as well as it slices Meemaw's finger...
That night we had a special visit from CK and Irene! I was so happy to have them come visit! They are long time friends of ours that moved to Baltimore and we have missed them. We had a great time showing them the house, eating CK's home made chocolate pie, and keeping the dogs from their sibling rivalry.
The next day was Thanksgiving and fires number two and three! One was a simple oven mit getting too close to the burner. No biggie, Derrick's mom put it out without me even knowing about it. The second though was when the turkey was in the oven! I finally managed to get a picture!
I wanted to try to combine the super formal Thanksgiving dinner that I was used to with the more casual Thanksgiving that Derrick was used to so I went for a casual sit down dinner. I covered the table with brown paper and wrote "I Am Thankful For..." in crayon on top of it. Then we just used flowers, candles, and crayons to decorate the table. I love how it turned out!
And at the end of the night it looked like this.
Here's some other pictures from a fun day!
This was adorable. The kids were teaching Ellie about technology.
This was our turkey timer. It gobbled when the turkey was ready!
Derrick hadn't carved a turkey before but I told him that was the male host's job so he took it on and did a great job!
This girl got her first taste of mashed potatoes and I think she liked it!
Thanksgiving this year was awesome! I loved hosting and hope to do it again! Hope yours was just as good!
What an awesome and fun Thanksgiving!! Thank you both for hosting!!