Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thanksgiving Prep

We are hosting Thanksgiving! Nothing like 14 people coming to your new house to motivate you to get some projects done! I'm not necessarily known for my chef skills either. Remember my french dips? Luckily my Mom has given me some good ideas for food and Derricks mom and grandma are coming all day Wednesday to help prepare. Should be fun!

Since I'm not good at the cooking part I want to make sure everything else looks good! I am planning a super simple and fun table setting and made some fun candle holders to mix with flowers on the table. Just a couple vases, painters tape, and gold spray paint!


Super easy and inexpensive. I used the gold paint I had left over from my desk makeover and the vases are $0.99 at Michaels.

I also hung some key hooks in the laundry room and I am obsessed with them! Mom and I went to Wilmington this weekend to watch Jack in a tournament and went to an antique store during one of his byes. I came home with three dragonfly hooks and they are in our laundry room for keys right now. I LOVE them!

They were super hard to photograph...the light was all weird so this is the best you're going to get.


 Slowly but surely! Thanksgiving is happening here whether we're ready or not!


  1. Love the dragonflies and the vases....super cute! Can't wait to see you :)

  2. Those glasses look fantastic! They will be great for small flower arrangements.

    Love, Mom
