Friday, March 14, 2014

Sleepy Chatter

I have been sleep talking recently and it's super weird! I don't know if my mind is just going 100 miles an hour and it doesn't shut off when I sleep or what but it's been kind of hilarious. I always wake up in the morning and remember doing it but when it's happening I am in this half-awake half-asleep state.  It's affected Derrick's sleep too because I always seem to involve him in the crisis. 

Are you ready for this? It's totally weird!

The first time I was convinced there was  baby seal under the covers and that Derrick was squashing it. Just typing this I laugh out loud because it's so crazy. I of course woke Derrick up and told him to stop and get out of the way and when he asked me why I told him there was a baby seal in the bed. He rolled over and went back to sleep.

The second time I sat straight up in bed and was throwing the covers around. When Derrick asked me what was wrong I told him there was a tiny snake with legs in the bed. He rolled over and went back to sleep.

And the latest time I jerked him out of sleep by grabbing him and turning him over and asking him what he was talking about. He said "nothing" and rolled back and went to sleep.

Thank goodness he's patient!

Anyone else a sleeptalker? Maybe I need to exercise more....

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha...too funny! Been watching any weird movies or TV shows? Maybe you're subconsciously wanting another pet....or maybe a baby!!! That's want a baby! The two of you waking up in the middle of the night is giving you practice for a baby. You'll make great parents!! :)
