Drake turned 2 weeks old yesterday! This past week went by a lot slower than the first week...probably because the first week consisted of the actual birth, hospital stay, and the millions of firsts of having him home. Derrick and I have gotten into a pretty good routine around the house but it definitely consists of a lot of sitting on the couch holding a sleeping baby. We still don't have much of a schedule. Drake dictates our days and we live around his feedings. Here's his two week picture. He was kicking and squirming so much this was the only picture I could get that wasn't blurry.
We've been very well taken care of by friends and family. Our fridge is stocked and we have more meals on the way this week. It's been so amazing to not have to worry about cooking or going out for dinner. We've been completely spoiled.
Breastfeeding has been improving. Especially over the last two days. This morning he's been eating every 45 minutes which has been a little nuts but he's latching right away and the pain goes away pretty quickly. I'm hoping we've turned a corner. I don't completely dread it anymore although I'm still a little anxious right before he latches. He's sleeping pretty well at night. We get a 3.5-4 hour stretch early on and then two 2-3 hour stretches. He's been getting a lot fussier in the evenings right before we put him down for the night but he goes down pretty well in the middle of the night. Derrick and I are working our bouncing and soothing skills.
My parents and Jay came to visit this weekend to get their Drake fix. Our plan is to go home for Thanksgiving in a couple weeks so that will be our first big trip with him and the next time my family will get to see him. He's already grown so much in two weeks...it's hard to believe he'll be a month old at Thanksgiving!
We got our newborn pictures taken last Wednesday and they turned out amazing! She captured so many of his expressions and I'm so glad we decided to get them done. I'll do a full post with more pictures but here is a sneak peek.
Derrick and I are getting pretty good at multi-tasking. I'm currently writing this with a sleeping Drake in my arms and Derrick has eaten more than one meal one handed. Drake's been a little fussy today but, beyond today and the evening before bed, he's really a pretty calm guy. He very rarely cries and only fusses if he needs something or is over-tired. He's still sleeping for most of the day. I know there is plenty of time for this to change but we're soaking up the baby cuddles while we can.
Two weeks in and we're still in la la land with Drake. We're completely obsessed with him and the good moments heavily outweigh the hard ones.
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