Friday, September 26, 2014

So Fancy!

Our master closet is awesome. We met the husband seller on closing day and he said that he's actually the one in their relationship that is into clothing and he's the one that wanted this awesome closet system set up. If you are just looking at the bones of the closet, it's big, but not huge. The dialogue would go more like "Ok, this is a nice size" more then "Wow....this is huge!"  With the addition of the closet system though, the closet is gigantic!! There is so much storage and Derrick and I do not fill it all up. 

Here's a pic of how it looked for the previous owners. You can see that the husband had more room then the wife. He got both middle hangers and everything over to the right and the wife got everything to the left. The walls on either side of the door are shelved too so it's a complete 360 degrees of storage. 

What you probably can't see is that there is a window behind that middle row of hangers. A bright wonderful window that lets light stream in and makes the closet so nice and bright if those clothes aren't there. The husband seller even told us that the window has been treated with a UV film so that the sunlight won't damage your clothes....seriously feeling fancy over here. 

Well...Derrick and I like that window and don't need all this closet storage. Maybe one day :) but not now. So I decided to lower the shelf and make a makeup/jewelry vanity instead. 

Isn't it so cute? I love it!! The light coming in through the window is perfect for putting on makeup and the shelf is lowered just below the window so we don't lose any light from the window.  For now, I have a dining room chair in here but I'm on the lookout for something a little cuter. My mom has this adorable tuffet which I think would be perfect if it's tall enough so I might have to meet the lady who made it for her in Hickory next time I visit. For now, I'll just sit here and feel extra fancy :)

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