Monday, January 8, 2018

11 Weeks with Drake

 Drake turned 11 weeks old yesterday...on the same day that the Bills played in their first playoff game in 17 years. He wore his Bills pajamas for the morning in celebration.

Good: We took him to our indoor ultimate league last night and it went better than expected in all aspects. We've pretty much solidified a bedtime routine which includes bath time 6:45, eating at 7:15 and in bed around 7:30. Indoor starts at 6:30 and we don't get home until 9:45ish. He continues to amaze us with his flexibility. I fed him on my bye and we came home and popped him in the bath, fed him, and put him down. Easy as ever! It was also my first time really exercising hard since having him (and really since getting pregnant) and it went way better than expected. I was really happy to be back out there and I felt really good!

Bad: I went to a DPAC show on Saturday night with my friend Lauren. Derrick took care of Drake and called me around 7:15 because Drake was absolutely refusing the bottle and screaming his head off.  While I was pumping he had been taking a bottle every other feeding and never had an issue with it. He hadn't had a bottle in about a week but apparently that was long enough for him to forget. Eventually he figured out the bottle againbut I think Derrick was worried I'd have to come home before my show even started and, even if I did, I was 30 minutes away so it would have been a rough evening for Derrick. 

Funny: Drake fell asleep during his bath tonight! He has always really enjoyed bath time and he lays spread eagle in his hammock and just chills for 15 minutes. He can be screaming before bath time and immediately goes into the zone when he gets in the tub. Tonight, he was so relaxed he fell asleep! 

Derrick goes back to work next week, which will surely be our bad next week, so this week we are soaking up family time and enjoying our last week of paternity leave. Drakes getting more and more interactive and he's being so vocal and experimenting with noises. It's a really fun stage and I think time is going to really start flying soon. 


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