Drake turned 10 weeks on Sunday and this is one of my favorite weekly photos yet. Look at that smirk he's giving us. He's growing so quickly and we've really started seeing some big developments over the last couple weeks.
A podcast I listen to starts every weekly show with their good, bad, and funny from the week before and I thought that would be a good way to give updates on Drake. I can't take credit for the idea, but I'm going to try to start popping in with my good, bad, and funny. That way, even if I'm short on time, I can drop in to give an update. This is kind of like my baby book so I want to make sure it's updated.
Good: (I've got a couple goods this week)
- We started breast feeding on right side on Sunday night. Two days in and it's going well! I don't want to call it a success until we've been going for a week but it feels like we've finally hit our stride after 10 weeks and I am so relieved!
- Drake is talking so much! He is starting to coo and babble and it's so much fun. He likes laying on his back and playing/talking with us so we spend a lot of time like that.
- We bought a new car! I'll do a separate post about it but I definitely have my mom car and I love it!
Bad- It's hard to figure out a bad but I think it's probably just life catching up with us. We've been in this bubble for the last 10 weeks and I think I'm starting to get anxious about Derrick going back to work in two weeks and having the realization that I'm going to be on my own. Derrick and I are very much co-parents and bounce things off of each other all day so I'm going to miss that sounding board to discuss things like nap schedules and if he's hungry or just tired. I'm also having a hard time adjusting to my inability to get things done. I used to get things done during the day and now everything takes 10 times as long. It's so worth it and I know it will pass and get easier but it's something I'm working through.
Funny- I think we got our first laugh this week. He was laying on the table with Derrick and I popped in with his giggle monster and Derrick and I both swear he laughed. He did it twice in a row! It was the cutest, funniest thing ever and I can't wait for more!
He turning much more into a baby and becoming less of an infant and it's super fun. I really like this stage we're in!
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