Thursday, October 12, 2017

37 Weeks

It's amazing the difference 30 weeks can make! Both in belly size and photo quality.

We hit 37 weeks yesterday which means we now have less than 3 weeks until D-day. The doctor said everything is measuring right on track, I'm not dilated at all, and to keep on keeping on. The past two days have been pretty rough on my rib pain...he's still sitting high and he's getting bigger so the stretch on my upper right side is pretty painful.

Work has slowed way down though so I've really been able to take it pretty easy during the day and I've got a pre-natal massage scheduled for next week!

The nursery is almost complete...we just need to hang the art and one carseat base is installed. I'm getting my car cleaned today so that we can install my base tonight or tomorrow. Our hospital bag isn't packed at all, I haven't had any braxton hicks, and I'm still playing pickleball. We're just riding the wave!

I think we're both anxious and excited for his arrival but I'm also not stressed about him coming. I figure, even if he's 2 weeks late, that's a drop in the bucket in his lifetime and I'll never have this kind of freedom again so I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. That being said, we're ready when you are Furnace!

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