Wednesday, May 6, 2015

New Student Orientation

The blog title could also be Crazy Eyes Crosby Visits NCSU!

For our anniversary this year Derrick and I have been trying to find a weekend to get out of town and go to Boone for some hiking. So far we haven't had any luck...things keep popping up so it may or may not happen at this point. We still wanted to do something for our anniversary though and it conveniently fell on date night anyway so we opted to re-live our engagement day and play some disc golf on NC State's campus.

We started with picking up Snoopy's and picnicking in Pullen Park. On Engagement Day we didn't eat until after the proposal and after all of the excited phone calls were made so the only thing open at 10 PM was Taco Bell. We thought about it for a second but Snoopy's $1 hotdogs was a clear winning substitute.

We started at the bell tower and alternated choosing holes to aim for. We stalled out when Derrick chose the dumpster...Derrick underestimated the perfect accuracy of my throws and my frisbee disappeared under the dumpster for about 20 minutes while we hunted for sticks and scraped up our hands trying to fish it out. Shouldn't every anniversary include dumpster diving?

It was fun to tour around our old stomping grounds and take Crosby to all of the iconic NC State sights. Like the Court of Carolina:

The wolf ears:

If you squint you can see Crosby mid-air catching her frisbee.

The brickyard:

And the belltower:

Happy anniversary to my love! I loved re-living our perfect proposal!

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