That's right! I took today off!! And it has been glorious! I've still sent a few emails because I have 8 contracts going on right now and I'm not about to drop those balls I've been juggling for weeks now. But, I made a very strong effort this week to not make any appointments for today and to not check my phone every single time it dings. I feel so refreshed! Let me walk you through my day off.
I got up and emptied my inbox just because I knew I would have it in the back of my mind if I didn't. Then, Alison and I met up for shopping!
Best purchase of the day? A $3 hiking backpack for Crosby at the Habitat Restore.
Lunch was at Nana taco in Durham because Nana Taco is delicious and they have amazing queso.
Then Alison introduced me to the most amazing place! How have I lived in the triangle for 10 years and never been to Duke Gardens?? This place is beautiful!
Swans. This garden has swans! This is the closest I could get to them making a heart with their necks.
And now. I'm laying in the hammock blogging and enjoying the amazing weather. This day was about as perfect as it could be!
A lovely, well-deserved day off!