It's all good though and I cannot complain about being busy! I'm just learning how to manage it all and figuring out if I can keep this up or if I'm going to have to make some changes.
We've also had Kiwi for the past two weeks. I feel bad because my work schedule has meant longer days for the dogs but they are hanging in there and Derrick and I are exercising them when we can.
In other news our hot water heater busted 3 weeks ago and we're still not fully resolved of that issue though we did opt into a new tankless version that seems to be working like a charm. Derrick and I played in a short beach ultimate tournament over the weekend and I got talked into captaining a women's league team which plays on Sunday know, with all of my free time! And our high school team is traveling to Charlotte this weekend for our first tournament. We're excited to see how they do and I'm excited for some forced downtime even if I will be negotiating offers over skype.
Is that a snake in the picture?