Thursday, June 23, 2016

Signs of a Good Week

There have been a lot of good things happening recently but they are all a little random so I'm doing a random dump here today.

First off, the happiest news of the week! Crosby's tumor was a low stage two and the surgery removed it all! What this means is we aren't looking at any more cancer treatment for this particular round. It does mean she will likely have many future surgeries as almost every single lump and bump will need to be removed and it's very likely more tumors will appear but as long as we catch them early she should have a good, long life ahead of her. We are SO relieved! Her stitches come out next Wednesday and then we can move on from this scary discovery for the time being.

Due the incision on her neck I've been walking Crosby without a leash. That means we go on the SLOWEST. walks. ever! She just dawdles and takes her time 15 yards behind me.

Jack and I finally got thin mint martinis together. We'd been talking about it since his 21st birthday but the place I wanted to go was in Winston Salem. Last Saturday we had exactly 7 minutes before Mom and Dad were meeting us for dinner but we were in Winston together and had to take the opportunity. Derrick grabbed the car and waited outside with it running while Jay, Jack, and I ran in, threw our credit card on the table, and said we need 3 thin mint martinis FAST! We then chugged them and ran off to dinner. It was hilarious and and worth it.

Fathers day dinner with Dad. Since Jay was in town visiting we all drove down to meet for dinner. The service was terrible but the food was delicious. We were there for almost 3 hours just talking and hanging out.

I got to meet Birdie! My friend's adorable puppy!

Crosby got the most adorable get well card from one of her BFF's Roxy. It made my day and hers.

This. Jack showed us this picture that his teammates dug up of Jack at his first tournament. Flat footed, plain white T, just hoping the disc would fall into his hands while he's getting completely skied. Hilarious.

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