Not loyal anymore. USAU is the worst.
Due to the betrayal of USAU Derrick and I were left without a team at the beginning of this club season. We weren't sure what we were going to do. We considered taking the season off, traveling for another team, or playing mens or womens. Derrick could have maybe played with Jack which would have been cool but I haven't played women's since college and wasn't sure I was ready to go back. I've been spoiled by getting to play with Derrick for the past 6+ years.
We were both surprised to be asked to join a new club team forming in the area called Toro. Surprised and a little nervous on my end. We were so used to the people on Raleighwood. We played 3 years with Raleighwood and a lot of the people on Raleighwood also played on wHagonweel with us in the 3 previous years. So six years of playing with the same people. It was sad, and still is sad, to change up who we play with.
That being said, we've really had a positive experience with Toro. They are a great group and a talented group. We've won a lot of games so far and we came in third in our latest tournament. It's been interesting to learn how to play with new people and learn their different views about strategy. We've been lucky to have a local group to be able to play with after the upsetting decisions about Raleighwood.
We still tend to wander to our Raleighwood friends during breaks and byes. They are our closest frisbee friends and will always be our teammates. We're thankful to have a team to play with though even if they do practice twice a week! Twice a week! Raleighwood did one scrimmage MAYBE once a week. We are getting back into good shape though!