Sunday, November 1, 2015


Happy Halloween!! Just a little late but we have so much left over candy we're still feeling the halloween vibes over here. Crosby dressed up in what we believe to be her best costume yet!

Do you know what she is? I bet Derrick's family does and my family doesn't. It's from Star Wars. She's an AT-AT or as we call her an AT-AC. All Terrain Armored Crosby. Here is her inspiration.

Spot On. She was clearly very into it.

This year I was looking forward to our trick-or-treaters because we had such a good turnout last year. But...when you get offered NC State football tickets 3 rows from the field you don't say no.  So we left a sign and two buckets of candy on the porch and headed to the game!

Kevin was offered 4 tickets so he invited his brother, Derrick, and I along. The seats were amazing and the game was pretty awesome. Even though we lost there were about 13 total touchdowns and 3 blocked kicks. It was a roller coaster of a game and I'm excited we got tickets to such a good one!

Look how close we were to the field!!!

It was homecoming so they had a few special things planned like this red white and blue fly by. It was also fun because so many people were dressed up. We saw batman, pizza, a colony of penguins, and some very scary masked bank robbers. We also sat right behind "Chuck Amato!"

Despite the loss we had a great time. I forgot how fun the games were. So much energy and so much Wolfpack pride!

When we got home we expected all the candy to be gone and possibly even our buckets but we have SO MUCH CANDY! Please, someone come over and eat it! I don't even like Laffy Taffy. Next year I'm only getting candy we like in case this happens again.

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