We decided that we'd rather invest in a nice one now then a cheap one we'd have to replace down the road. We very quickly landed on a Weber. My Dad used a Weber charcoal grill my whole childhood and Derrick confirmed that the reviews were the best. We narrowed it down to two but in the end we decided to go big! So big in fact that the salesman measured our car first to see if it could even work. It was going to be really tight so we told the guy that if he could get it in the car we'd take it. Challenge accepted!
We did make it home and somehow got it out of the car and up on the deck that night!
We broke it in on Saturday evening with a family cookout!
We haven't had any time to use it since but I'm excited to have it and use it more once it cools down a little bit! Grilling in 95 degrees is no joke!
I don't know if it was the grill, the grillers, or a combination of both, but those were some pretty awesome turkey burgers!!