Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Celebrating 27

Last week I celebrated my 27th birthday.  I really liked 26. I'm fine with 27...I've never really been an age person but it's still kind of crazy to think about. A friend of mine told me that I'm almost late 20's! We decided I could eek out one last year of being called mid-20's but only just.  My family and friends spoiled me to the max this year :)

Mom came into town for Leanna's baby shower and stayed until Monday to take me on a birthday shopping spree. We started out with manicures and pedicures in this crazy place that we found that doubled as a nail salon and a bar. Since it was 9 AM we stuck with a smoothie and hot tea.

Then we hit the mall! This is what Mom and Dad gave me last year and I love the tradition! I love having my mom with me because she has great style and it's nice to have pure mother/daughter time that we don't get too often anymore.

While we were there we discovered the new location of the Microsoft Store coming to Durham! Had to snap a pic for Derrick!

We ended with a great lunch at Panera and then Mom hit the road back to Hickory and I headed to the office to get some work done. The next day was my actual birthday. When Derrick got home from work he gave me my birthday present. It's a 100% legit Russel Wilson Seahawks jersey and it is AWESOME!! I was super surprised. I had always told Derrick we needed a Seahawks jersey to watch the games in but it was always just an offhanded comment. He went for it and I LOVE it!! Thanks to Alison for giving him the size recommendation. I think it fits perfectly! I want Derrick to get the grey one before football season starts so we can match without really matching :)

And then he took me out to a surprise dinner at Daniels. It's this little Italian restaurant that doesn't look like much from the outside but is actually delicious! We had never been because you always need reservations so Derrick made sure we had them for my birthday night. My wine even matched my nails!!

The birthday celebrations continued on Wednesday night at our weekly trivia night. I had late showings so I didn't get there until about half-way through but when I did get there Derrick had brought my new jersey for me to change into and also brought cupcakes for everybody. Isn't he good? On top of that Claire and Nikki had conspired and brought banana pudding for everybody! It was such a great night and celebration and I am so grateful to have such great friends and family!

You know...late 20's aren't going to be so bad :)

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