Thursday, May 16, 2013

He Scored and I Missed it!

Derrick started playing on a co-ed soccer team with a couple co-workers several weeks ago. They meet on Thursday evenings and play one or two games a night. It's through the same organization that does his basketball league. I didn't go to very  many of them because I was playing pick-up ultimate on Thursdays for a few weeks but it's been the perfect way for Derrick to get in some exercise while his shoulder is still recovering. He could do everything except throw ins.

Tonight started the playoffs for their team! Last year they played in the B league and were winning a lot so they moved up to the A league this year. Unfortunately they didn't take any W's but they did manage to tie two of their games. They lost their first playoff game tonight so they are out and done for the season but Derrick did score one of the two goals off of an awesome pass from Travis!

and I MISSED IT!! typical.....

Here's the team...we had to run right after the game so I didn't get a team picture. Maybe summer league :)

Oh yeah... and I had my second closing this afternoon with those two maroon people in the middle :)

It was was a good day!

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