We celebrated our first Thanksgiving with Drake by traveling down I-40 west to visit all the family. This was our first big trip with him so it was the first time packing for him and the first time staying overnight with him somewhere other than the hospital our first couple days.
On Tuesday night, Jay was heading to Hickory and stopped by with the sweetest Thanksgiving outfit for Drake. Just look at those shoes! He also gave him some Thanksgiving pajamas that he wore every night and a cute hat that was too small for his big noggin. Our guy is turning out to be a tank.
We started with a stop in Winston to have Thanksgiving lunch with the Marcey side of the family. Drake met his Great Grandpa for the first time and cuddled with the rest of the family for most of the morning and afternoon. Also...Derrick and I are tired as illustrated by the photo below.
Riley is going to be such a good babysitter. Drake basically melted on her for a nice afternoon nap.
Lunch was delicious and Drake handled the in-the-wild feedings and travel like a pro. After lunch we loaded up and headed to Hickory for Thanksgiving dinner with the Williams's side.
Drake was basically the center of attention the entire evening.
On Friday, after sleeping off two Thanksgiving meals, we headed up the mountain for our annual tree hunt. I was shocked Drake made it all the way up the mountain without a meltdown...we were pushing his feeding time but Uncle Jack was in the back seat with the pacifier so crises averted. He ate really well in the parking lot after getting to the tree farm and then we took the hayride up the mountain.
It was a gorgeous day and we ended up taking off our coats once we got up the mountain. Drake lives up to his nickname, Furnace, and keeps me warm when I'm baby wearing.
The farm had a lot of 15+ foot trees that weren't selling so they trimmed off the bottom branches to turn them into smaller trees. It was pretty funny walking around and seeing all of these trees looking like they were up on stilts. Jack was fighting hard for this one.
Jay ultimately found the winner though. The problem, we found, was cutting the trees like this created an optical illusion. Once we got tree home it was MUCH larger than it appeared at the farm. My parents had to move furniture around to accommodate it and apparently it just toppled over last night because it was too big for the tree stand.
I'm not sure if Derrick and I are going to get a tree this year. It seems like a lot of work for our current situation and Drake isn't able to appreciate it yet. I think we'll go all out next year. I reserve the right to change my mind but we'll see.

The tradition is lunch at Myra's after the tree hunt but Mom had to get back for work. Since Derrick and I drove separately with Drake, we kept the tradition alive and took Drake to his first Myra's stop.
A few other highlights of our trip- Grandma got to give Drake a bottle. We introduced bottles the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and he took them with no problem.
We got our first good glimpse at a future smile. We still haven't gotten a true awake smile but we're hoping this means it's close. Tell me it's close!
Crosby was with us even though her presence on this blog has been seriously minimized since Drake came along. She was great, much better than she's been at home actually.
We spent another day in Winston with family on our way back to Morrisville and Nana got her turn with the bottle.
Drake experienced his first tortilla chip.
Overall it was a great weekend and I think it tired Drake out for a couple of days. We're starting a new sleep routine with scheduled naps and feedings. It's apparently supposed to be challenging at first so that's what we're getting through right now but it's for a good cause!