Thursday, August 31, 2017

Forty Buck Bathroom Change-Up

Our upstairs bathroom is really small and hard to photograph so these first couple photos are silly looking.  We haven't touched it since we moved in and in my dreams we'll renovate it and punch it out into the craft room to make it larger one day. 

It was a room I wanted to at least freshen up before Furnace came because it's only been used for Crosby baths and overflow guests for 3 years. Since this was going to be his bathroom I wanted to give it a little bit of love. 

It started out painted the same tan as the rest of the upstairs. I forgot to snap pictures until I had already started some of the prep work. I was originally thinking a mint would be cute in here but it's so small and the light is so flourescent I didn't want it to blind the world.  

I ended up using leftover paint from Furnace's nursery. I bought a new shower curtain, a new back of rollers, and a new outlet to replace the burned one to total about $40 for a fresh look.

I'd still like to switch out the mirror, light fixture, and potentially paint the vanity but that's not going to happen before the baby comes so I gave it a good scrubbing and called it a day. it's already so much more cheerful than it was and I'm happy to call this one done for now.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Nursery Additions

We hit 30 weeks today and had our 30 week appointment this morning. Everything checked out great and now we're going every 2 weeks instead of every four. We also start our childbirth class so it's about to get a lot more baby focused around here.

Our glider came in last weekend and I am SO excited about it! It was definitely a bit of a splurge but we got 20% off with a coupon and we used some visa gift cards from our frisbee high school parents. I think it was worth every penny to get the look I wanted, and more importantly, it is SO comfortable and should last a long time! It's tall enough for Derrick to lay his head back on and there is plenty of room for one of us and a future toddler.

It's looking a little one note in there but now that the recliner is in we can start hanging art, the mobile, and accessorizing. I think it's going to come to life really quickly. We also found the cutest bookshelf for the empty corner. It's not mounted yet so this is it just leaning on the wall.

And I got some great board books on a buy sell trade facebook page for a steal.

The other side of the room is hand me down heaven! We've had three families send hand me downs our way and it's been awesome! They've been washed and sorted by size but I just need to figure out how we're going to organize the closet and dresser.

Now that we're only 10 weeks out I feel like we need to kick any last minute things into gear so I've obviously decided this is the time to paint the upstairs bathroom. Sherwin Williams sale starts tomorrow so don't miss out! 

Friday, August 11, 2017

Third Trimester- We made it!

We made it to third trimester on Wednesday so that means we only have 12 weeks to go as a family of three. It's pretty crazy to think about...I've gotten very used to and comfortable with our current life. We're both very excited though and already completely obsessed with Furnace so I'm pretty sure we'll be happy when he gets here but I'm sure it will be a shock to the system :)

We didn't take a good picture on Wednesday but I snapped a bathroom selfie. I'm definitely growing and feeling a lot bigger but I'm pretty happy with my weight gain and activity level. I'm either walking or playing pickleball at least 4-5 times a week. 

The worst symptom I have is pretty terrible rib pain. It feels like a burning or tearing in my upper right ribcage right under my chest. It comes and goes but when it's bad it's really bad. I thought for a while it was just stretching and growing pains. Then I thought it was his foot up in my rib cage. After further research I'm pretty sure it's a pinched or strained nerve from my rib cage moving and expanding. It helps to put downward pressure on it so I found this belly band that I'll pull out on bad days. 

The belly band helps sometimes but mostly I just have to lay down or deal with it. Good news is it should go away once he's 12 more weeks. I can handle that. 

I feel like I'm in this middle slump of feels like I've been pregnant for ages but I still have a long time to go. Once we get through August I think it will fly. We've got baby showers, our hospital class starts, and we'll be in the single digits of weeks. I'm trying to embrace and enjoy the downtime while we have it but I am very ready to have my body back. I can't imagine how people feel who have had a bad pregnancy...mine has been very manageable but I still enjoy not being pregnant more than I enjoy being pregnant. 

Derrick has a tournament this weekend but my family is coming into town for Jack's AUDL game so I'm looking forward to having everybody here to distract me from the fact that I'm not playing frisbee!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Burp Cloth DIY

As I've been gathering tips and tricks from other new moms about what works best I was told that cloth diapers make the best burp cloths! They are apparently super absorbent and unbeatable in the spit up department. When I was hanging out with a 5 month old last week and saw the amount of spit up that ended up all over his mom, himself, and the floor, I realized we're going to be using burp cloths for a while. 

Seems obvious, but that was when it clicked for me. I have burp cloths on our registry but I decided to go ahead and get some more because I don't think we can have too many and I wanted to have some fun with them. They make burp cloths similar to these which is where I got the idea but they are $25 for two which seems pricey just for the cute factor. 

I got a 10 pack of cloth diapers and then I had these fat quarters from spoonflower that I bought on sale last year before I knew what I would do with them. If you don't know spoonflower then go search now. It's an online fabric store and the prints are amazing!

I washed and ironed the cloth diapers first. 

And then washed and ironed the fabric. These suckers are going to be getting dirty so pre-shrinking was necessary so they are washable after construction. 

It took me just a couple hours to knock out all ten of them and that flew by with my podcasts going in the background.  I just cut the fabric into strips and sewed them along the seams that were already in the diapers.

I love this adventure cute and appropriate with our nursery!

I know burp cloths don't have to be cute but these were fun to make and I wanted to do something to feel like I was prepping for his arrival. The nursery is at a pause until the glider comes in so this was the perfect project to tide me over until it's time to decorate!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Girls Weekend in Montreat

It's been weird not playing frisbee this season. That's usually such a huge part of my summer and it typically occupies 3 days a week and several weekends of the summer. I've definitely felt like I've had a lot more free time and it's been nice sometimes and hard to adjust to at other times.

Last weekend Derrick had a tournament in Ohio so I went on a girls weekend to Montreat. I've got fun weekend plans for all of Derrick's travel tournament weekends and that makes it so much easier to deal with taking the season off. It's been nice to have the time to do things like this that I haven't had time for in previous years.

My friend Lily has access to a family mountain house in Montreat, NC and invited a couple of us up for a chill weekend. Lily introduced me to Caitlin a couple years ago and it's been an awesome friendship...I feel super lucky to have both these ladies in my life!

We drove up late Friday night and woke up for a full day of hiking and exploring Asheville on Saturday.  Montreat is gorgeous! I had been before for college retreats so it was fun to be back.

We started with a hike for the dogs on Saturday morning. Crosby was in heaven!

That's her new friend Callie in the background. They were best buds all weekend.

Pure joy right here :)

I wish I'd gotten more pictures...I don't even have one group shot of the three of us. We ate amazing food and explored hidden gems like this champagne bookstore.

I even bought a piece of art off the wall of a restaurant. I'm still deciding if this is going to my mom or going up in the nursery. That banjo title is calling my mom's name.

Another highlight of the trip was having brunch with Blue and Amelia!! I hadn't seen them since Amelia was 10 days old and they both looked amazing! Blue is an incredible mom and Amelia is so full of personality.  Like mother like daughter...keeping an eye out for those firemen!

Weekends like this are so refreshing but I was definitely still thinking about Derrick and the tournament. Luckily I knew he was in good hands and Alison sent me steady SnapChat updates.

PS...just got word I passed my three hour glucose test. Let's eat cake!